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Art – Not Only a Subject But Skill

Education in Art is a very simple course. The main criteria are that a person should be creative and should be imminent with new ideas. The Arts stream is much more beyond just acquiring general knowledge. There are lots of categories in Arts that one can opt for. This field is actually visualizing the concept and doing it in practical.Arts stream revolves around various fields like Fashion Designer, Interior Designer, Jewelry Designer, Filmmaker, Photographer, Singer, Dancer, Teacher, and the most demanding field is Journalism. Every category has good scope in future. Art Education helps one to think in different ways and give a different perception to the concepts. An art is treated as the main phrase in culture. In today’s competitive world Art is the richest field, one just need to have good creative mind. Art education is very easy in its syllabus. One should decide the exact field in Arts that he/she would like to make a career in. And then there are courses available of those fields.Art Education is managed and taught in a much planned manner. The education in this field is very flexible to learn. In Arts one has to get deep knowledge about the past like history, discovery etc. while learning Arts one needs to have sense of current happenings. While studying Arts one finds the course more and more adventurous in learning.An Art living person has lots to achieve in his future. Fine Art is one of them, Fine Arts basically deals with sketching, drawing, sculpting, graphic interiors etc. Art teaches you the important values of life. Art is such a subject that there are many interesting things to do and choose one of them as a career. Art is the expressive from all other fields. Art keeps on expanding interesting ideas and topics. Gratitude and contribution in Arts enlarge education and make it as strong field.There are many Art colleges and Art degrees. The Art education is form the ancient period. In arts no subject is evaded. From some or the other means art is involved in each field, which is the key point of Art.There are some main points one must always reflect on while studying Arts:Imagination and Innovation: One should be creative in thinking and come up with new innovative ideas. Most of the Art projects are based on this criterion. The Art students are not given the repeated path to get knowledge but as an alternative of it they are given the liberty to self research and come out with new concepts keeping in mind the basic principles. The Art education is useful to other fields as well. To think creatively there are brainstorming in all kinds of assignments and try out. All Science, Math, Philosophy all subjects requires creativity which is again a part of Art Education.
Elucidation: One should have the qualification of interpreting the concept. Interpreting is also an art, one who holds this art is always able to convince the opposite person. This Art qualification is again useful for every field.
Conversation: Having conversation or discussion is very important to keep the flow of good track in team mates or colleagues. Having conversation is the important part of education. Discussing the topic is a natural process of education and which is successfully built up.
Designing: Art has lot to do with designs, sketches etc. But some Arts require creativity in getting a unique piece out of it. The designing can be done on Computers or on paper. It can be digital or paper work. Designing is used in every field, some may use geometric shapes, vector graphics or straight lines or some go with free hand drawing, raster graphics. But the highlighting point here is that Designing is also an art. As mentioned earlier Art derives from the Ancient time so no field is left without having a light shadow of Arts. In fact, all subjects have gained something or the other from Arts. Art Education helps to exemplify many things in various different fields. Art is not restricted to any boundary. Art Education improves in developing character and helps to give loom to all challenges in life.